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We offer two complementary educational paths: the International Baccalaureate Continuum of Programmes and the English National Curriculum. Learn more about the option that may be appropriate for your child below.

Ages 2-5

Ages 5-11

Ages 11-14

Ages 14+

Admissions Policy

Seoul Foreign School (SFS) is a non-profit international school with classes from PK2-12, offering a  university preparatory program. Students are selected for admission to the school on the basis of developmental maturity, school achievement, and readiness for the school’s program, as well as  eligibility requirements as dictated by the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (SMOE). Testing  and reports are used to assist in the assessment of each candidate. In all cases, the school retains  the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether or not to accept a student for admissions.  

When there are more qualified candidates than seats available, the school establishes a wait pool; if any openings occur, the admissions committee decides which candidate(s) to admit based on  the overall profile of class and the match between the needs and qualifications of the student  with the school’s current available resources. 

It is the policy of Seoul Foreign School not to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, religion (creed), nationality or disability which is unrelated to the ability to benefit from the  school's programs, facilities, or services. All persons are encouraged to apply.  

The following criteria must be met to be eligible for admission. 

  • Previous academic history and/or admissions testing indicates that a student can achieve educational outcomes at a level comparable to their SFS classmates. 
  • Students requiring the assistance of an ELL program must meet the English proficiency  levels as prescribed in the School-Wide Language Policy. 
  • Parents will be provided information both verbally and in writing on the Mission and  Philosophy of the School during the admission process. Parents must agree to partner with  the School by supporting the rules and expectations of the School as a part of their  children’s acceptance into SFS.
  • In compliance with Korean laws and regulations, students are eligible to apply when they  meet one of the following requirements:
    • A: At least one parent holds a non-Korean Passport 
    • B: If both parents hold Korean passports, a student can qualify for eligibility under  two conditions:  
      • 1) Proof of sojourn out of Korea for more than 1095 days.  
      • 2) Proof of six (6) semesters of schooling outside of Korea.  
        *B admissions will not be permitted if so doing would result in the School exceeding the government-mandated enrollment capacity for children of Korean  parents who are eligible for enrollment in accordance with Korean law.  
    • C: One or both parents are naturalized Korean citizens whose child is deemed to be  unable to continue enrollment in the local Korean school system (Grades 1- 12) as  determined by the deliberation of the School’s Operations Committee and  approved by the Principal of the local school for the following reasons:  
      • i) Student is not able to keep up with the curriculum due to lack of Korean language proficiency;
      • ii) Student is not able to adjust to the local school due to cultural differences;
      • iii) Other reasons similar to i) or ii)


Learning Support Admissions Guidelines

SFS is resourced to support students with learning needs. If a student is deemed to be in need of learning support, there will be an evaluation of whether the school can support those learning needs. SFS remains committed to supporting all students that enroll in the school.

Determining learning support may involve a number of people from a variety of areas, including leaders, teachers, counselors, and support staff. Other members of the school and community who may have particular expertise in certain areas may be called upon as part of the admissions decision and the subsequent support process. Where possible, documentation and evidence will be sought to further inform the admissions decision process.

Updated January 25, 2021