Students will be billed by the SFS Business Office via email and payments must be made via Korean Won wire transfers to the personalized bank account noted in the invoice. Payments that are not paid within two weekdays (48 hours, Monday-Friday) from the "Invoice Date" will be voided without prior notice. As the office may need to confirm payments, it is advised that parents keep a copy of the wire transfer receipt. Incomplete payments within the payment deadline may not be enrolled in the program or tuition may change from Early to Regular Fees.
External Students will have a one-time 100,000KRW application fee applied to the total amount per student. External students that are children of SFS Alumni can apply as External Students (including the 100,000KRW external application fee) but will be eligible for SFS Student Fees, after Camp SFS confirms the parent’s attendance at SFS. Please contact the Camp SFS Office via email (campsfs@seoulforeign.org) for price adjustments for external students that are children of SFS alumni after you have completed your child's application.
Students are responsible to wear their Student ID everyday, which are required for check-in and check-out of campus and to ensure the safety of all students during camp hours. Those that do not have their Student IDs will be sent to the Camp SFS Office to receive a Temporary Student ID. A 10,000KRW Replacement Fee will be invoiced to parents for students that have lost their Student ID and a new Student ID will be issued within the next few days. For students who have forgotten their Student IDs at home, the Temporary Student ID will only be valid until the end of that camp day.
Updated January 2024
All students must have fulfilled their medical requirements prior to their first day of camp.
- Returning SFS Students: Although the SFS Health Office requires that the online Student Medical Packets be completed by August, if there are changes to your child's medical conditions (allergies, medication, etc.) it is highly advised that you contact the health office (healthoffice@seoulforeign.org) and request for updates to their file before the first day of camp. It is the parents' responsibility to make sure that students who have on going prescribed medication (ex. inhaler), return their medication to the health office on the first day of camp.
New SFS Students joining August 2024: All medical documents and information requested during enrollment is due before the start of camp, regardless of the due date on the SFS Student Dashboard or other forms of communication. Students that have not fulfilled the requirements set by the SFS Health Office will not be admitted to camp until all documents and information have been received.
Returning Camp SFS 2023 External Students: After the invoice has been paid in full, parents will be contacted by the Camp SFS Nurse via email. Students that have attended Camp SFS 2023 may be asked for updated information but will not be asked to complete the full Report of Medical Examination Form this year.
New External Students: After the invoice has been paid in full, parents will be contacted by the Camp SFS Nurse via email for the student's medical history and the Report of Medical Examination Form to be conducted by a physician. It is important to note that SFS does NOT accept student's physical exam certified by a parent who may be a physician or medical professional. Some medical checks conducted in 2023 may be accepted. Once you receive an email from campsfsmedical@seoulforeign.org, please check with our Camp SFS Nurse if any previously conducted medical check can be accepted for Camp SFS 2024. If any forms submitted are from uncertified physicians/clinics or filled out dishonestly, the clinic may be reported to the the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare (보건복지부) and/or legal actions may be taken against all offending parties.
Medication Authorization Form
- Treat the injury/illness, return the student to camp activities, and update a parent/guardian
- Call a parent/guardian for immediate pick-up
- Call an ambulance for the student to be transported to a nearby Emergency Room and notify the parent/guardian immediately
- Remind students of behavioral expectations and direct students towards more acceptable behavior
- If inappropriate behavior continues, students will be reminded of behavior expectations, and parents will be notified of misbehavior
- If inappropriate behavior continues a third time, parents will be contacted for immediate student pick up and students may be withdrawn from camp
Parents are advised to arrange doctor appointments and embassy visits outside the Camp SFS bus drop-off hours.
Updated January 2024