We offer two complementary educational paths: the International Baccalaureate Continuum of Programmes and the English National Curriculum. Learn more about the option that may be appropriate for your child below.
Camp SFS 2024 Registration CLOSED - We look forward to seeing you next summer!
A few important things to note for Camp SFS 2024:
ALL students must ride the camp bus to and from school. There is NO parent drop off to and pick up from campus. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please check the Transportation tab to confirm bus routes and stops before starting the registration process.
ALL students will be billed by the SFS Business Office via email. Payments that are not paid within two weekdays (48 hours, Monday-Friday) from the "Invoice Date" will be voided without prior notice.
ALL students may have permanent smiles from having loads of fun and a bit of whining over the weekends that they can not wait to go back to Camp SFS.