Because the world we live in has rapidly evolved into an information-based society, we believe the use of technology should be an integral part of contemporary education.
- Philosophy
- 1:1 Program
- 1:1 FAQ
- Laptop Requirements / Purchasing
- Laptop Setup Guide
- Support & Repairs
- Loaner Laptop Policy
- Responsible Use (RUA)
- Parent Tech Information
- Contact Us
Our Philosophy:
The world we live in has rapidly evolved into an information-based society. We believe the use of technology should be an integral part of contemporary education. We have an active program of professional learning opportunities for teachers, and maintain a full-service support team for serving the assistance needs of our staff and students.
We see technology playing an ever-increasing role in our efforts to provide a quality educational program. It will also improve efficiency and effectiveness in administrative functions, and strengthen communication within our school community. State-of-the-art technology integration is an important initiative at Seoul Foreign School. Our vision for the integration of technology in learning is that it will enable SFS students to master 21st century skills for a constantly changing world, be curriculum driven, and prepare students to be ethical learners, who are self-monitoring, self-modifying, self-managing, self-evaluating, and self-directing.
We envision using technology where:
Students are engaged in a challenging curriculum that is focused on inquiry-based, hands-on learning.
Students are comfortable using technology. Students take responsibility for their own educational success.
Teachers use technology to support all learning across the curriculum. They function as coaches, mentors, advocates, and managers of information.
Our students use technology that empowers student agency, student voice and ensures that learning is a student-driven process.
Learning for the future happens by focusing on the 4C’s:
- Creativity- digital storytelling, movie making, exploring topics with augmented and virtual reality
- Communication- digital citizenship, keyboarding, sharing and publishing student work
- Critical Thinking- computational thinking, productivity apps
- Collaboration- using collaboration in real time apps, digital storytelling
Our ongoing commitment to technology at SFS:
- Technology is seamlessly embedded into the fabric of the student learning.
- SFS will maintain and improve a technology infrastructure that is reliable, supported, and relevant.
- All students and staff will have constant access to the appropriate tools of technology and information for learning.
- Use of technology will be personalized as much as possible, in order to address different learning styles/needs and rates of learning.
- We have an active program of training opportunities and support for our staff and students.
Technology use in the Early Years programs:
Our Early Years technology philosophy is centered on age-appropriate use of technology, supplementing content with visual examples, opening avenues of inquiry, supporting digital creativity, and facilitating peer interaction through kinesthetic engagement in learning. Hands-on experiences are paramount, and technology use at this age is not for passive content consumption, competition, or remediation.
The Early Years team believes that play is the primary vehicle for a child’s learning and development, and so we most often see technology being used opportunistically at SFS to facilitate vocabulary and math games, singing, storytelling, and dancing. In an inquiry-based and collaborative environment such as ours, children gain a greater understanding as they learn to self-find information and communicate with peers and family.
1:1 Program
SFS provides a school-owned iPad to students in the Elementary School (Grades K-5) and British School Key Stages 1&2 (Years 1-6). These iPads are for on-campus curricular use only, though exceptions are allowed at the higher grades for homeroom teachers to send devices home for work on special projects. All students will need to supply their own pair of inexpensive wired USB-C type headphones/earbuds (built-in mic version recommended) to use and keep at school. To support homework and virtual learning days, every student needs access to a computer or tablet at home. We recommend that your home device for Grades 4/5 and Years 5/6 students has a physical keyboard to support longer writing assignments.
Students in our MYP (Grades 6-10) and DP (Grades 11-12) programs are required to bring a family-owned laptop for use every day at school. Middle School students are required to bring Apple MacBook laptops. Our High School students may choose whether to bring an Apple laptop or a Windows laptop based on personal computing preferences and needs.
1:1 FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
At SFS, we realize the idea of using laptops or iPads on a 1:1 basis for all students may seem daunting if your child has never had the responsibility of looking after their own, or using one to learn in a classroom setting.
The following FAQs will help explain the program, best practices for device use, care, and what to do if something happens.
General Information
- Why does Seoul Foreign School have a 1:1 program?
- Is there any evidence that learning using a laptop/iPad increases teaching over traditional teaching methods?
- What are the 21st Century Skills that Students will be focusing on?
- Does my child have to bring a laptop?
- What is the battery life? How can I charge my device?
- Can my Mac laptop be made to dual boot to Windows and Mac OS?
- Can the SFS network handle the load of every student and teacher using a laptop and connecting to the Internet?
Why does Seoul Foreign School have a 1:1 program?
There are many reasons that schools implement a 1:1 program. At SFS we have 4 major aims of the program. These are to:
- Improve student academic achievement through the use of technology
- Assure equity in access to digital resources
- Prepare students for their future
- Enhance teaching and transform the quality of teaching
Is there any evidence that learning using a laptop/iPad increases teaching over traditional teaching methods?
There is qualitative and quantitative research showing considerable improvement in classroom practice for students using laptop computers, and there is significant evidence that computer-mediated and media-rich learning environments enrich the learning experience and deepen understanding. (Some excellent video case studies are available see or e-mail the ET office for more info.) In addition, evidence supports a well-implemented laptop initiative in an inquiry-based learning environment – the foundation of the IB program.
Research from a long-term study of laptop initiatives shows a number of results, including increased independent inquiry-based learning
- Higher level instructional feedback
- Greater integration of subject areas
- Higher level of sustained writing
- More student discussion
- More performance assessment
- Increased hands-on learning
There is also evidence that students develop and practice unique meta-cognitive processes within a laptop environment, and that students engaged in properly developed laptop programs benefit academically and socially from the experience. Additional research indicates that:
- quality of writing improves
- classroom discussion increases
- quality of submitted work improves
- collaborative expertise improves
- organization improves
- motivation and commitment to work improves
- responses to learning situations improve
Apple Computers‘s own studies have concluded that "1:1 laptop initiatives like those in the state of Maine and Henrico County Public Schools continue to confirm the importance of technology in increasing student achievement and students’ sense of self. Schools involved in the laptop initiative are experiencing overall better academic performance than they did without the technology. When students feel better about learning, achievement increases."
What are the 21st Century Skills that Students will be focusing on?
The 21st century skills we seek to develop are creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, self-direction, media and visual literacy, and global awareness. Digital Citizenship lessons are led by coaches in each school section to address the topics of digital organization, source evaluation, bullying, privacy, copyright, and appropriate use.
Does my child have to bring a laptop?
ALL students at SFS in BS Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9), all MS grades (6-8), and all HS grades (9-12) are required to bring an approved laptop.
- Students in Key Stage 3 and MS must bring an Apple laptop.
- Students in the High School may bring either an Apple laptop or a Windows laptop.
The school recommendation for students’ computers should provide 3-4 years of solid use. Please see the Laptop Requirements and Purchasing tab for details.
What is the battery life? How can I charge my device?
Today’s modern M1 processor powered Apple laptops have battery life run times that reach between 14 and 20 hours. It is common for the laptop to run for the entire school day without the need for charging. It is vitally important that students remember to bring the laptop to school and that they do so with a fully charged battery each day. Students are encouraged to bring their charger to school in case they forget to charge the device. Electrical outlets for students to plug in their devices are available in our high traffic and social gathering areas as well as classrooms.
The battery run-times for Windows laptops vary widely, so it is important for any High School students considering a platform switch to research the published battery run times for any model before you purchase a Windows device. Know that real-world results will be lower depending on how the device is used and your power-saving settings.
Can my Mac laptop be made to dual boot to Windows and Mac OS?
Can the SFS network handle the load of every student and teacher using a laptop and connecting to the Internet?
Device Usage
- How will my child learn to use their device if it's not one they have used before?
- Will teachers have students use the 1:1 devices for every class and every day?
- How do students use their 1:1 devices in class(es)?
- Can students print at school?
- Will students be looking at a screen all day at school?
- Does the school place any restrictions or blocking software on the family-owned laptops?
How will my child learn to use their device if it's not one they have used before?
New students will be given some introductory lessons on how to setup and use their device at the start of the year. There is always a transition time that is associated with the changeover of a device or operating system, but our students are digital natives and rapidly adapt to the change. Students often readily help each other with tech issues and our teachers will assist students to develop any new skills for subject specific programs.
Will teachers have students use the 1:1 devices for every class and every day?
Usage of the iPads in the Elementary and Keystage 1&2 grades depends on the subject / unit of study and is activity specific. In the laptop grades (MS, KS3, HS) in most cases there has been an average use rate of about 30-40% of the classes each day. Teachers will only use technology when that technology provides a high quality, rich resource that enhances the learning and provides 21st Century Skills. We utilize online classroom learning systems and tools every day with students for assessment, portfolios of work, content material, and assignments.
How do students use their 1:1 devices in class(es)?
A list of the many ways a laptop can be used in a classroom can be exhaustive. What follows is simply a summary of examples:
- A vast resource for additional information other than what a teacher and a book provides in a traditional classroom.
- The ability to quickly download teacher handouts from a school online resource thereby saving the time, expense and the destruction of the world’s trees.
- The ability for students to expand the walls of their classroom and include other students and experts in the field in online educational discourse.
- The ability to visualize Mathematical applications through the use of school provided Math software providing students with a more thorough understanding of concepts presented in class.
- The ability to directly upload data from their heart rate monitors in P.E. class and import it into graph making programs giving them a visualization of their progress.
- The ability to simultaneously write documents with students through the use of an online wiki thereby also providing the ability for peer--editing of written work.
- The ability for students to quickly have their work shown on the classroom’s projection unit.
Can students print at school?
Will students be looking at a screen all day at school?
Your child will not be using a 1:1 device in every class so there will be ample downtime in which your child’s eyes will be able to rest. In order to avoid eye-strain, the school will include instruction in proper use of the laptop including the proper distance to best view the screen and the setting up of the proper screen resolution and viewing angle.
Does the school place any restrictions or blocking software on the family-owned laptops?
The school does not place any restrictions or load monitoring software on family-owned laptops. Internet access on campus is filtered to block inappropriate content and downloads of malware or viruses. Parents are free to add restrictions, activity monitoring, and web filtering software on their child's laptop. It will be the parent’s responsibility to provide any needed technical assistance to bypass any restriction or software which prevents a student from being able to connect to SFS resources.
Device Care and Security
- How should a laptop be transported to/from/around school?
- My child is carrying around device plus all their textbooks. Isn't that too heavy?
- What if my child forgets their laptop or it is in the repair shop?
- How does the school support learning safe use of the Internet?
- Can my child leave their laptop at school? Will it be secure?
- Something happened to the laptop, can SFS help?
- Does SFS provide any kind of theft or breakage insurance for student laptops?
How should a laptop be transported to/from/around school?
A durable case is a must, this is very important in the basic protection of the device. Many choose to use a device sleeve or custom shell hard case specifically fitted for the laptop. It is highly recommended that the students have a backpack/school bag which will provide enough storage for transporting the student’s school supplies as well as a dedicated protected space for their laptop and accessories. This will greatly improve chances that the device moves safely to and from school each day.
My child is carrying around device plus all their textbooks. Isn't that too heavy?
While there is additional weight with the device, the device bag will have a shoulder strap to distribute its weight. Additionally, teachers will be now have the option of using more digital content than they could have previously, making the text book less necessary for every class period.
If you have concerns about the weight your young child is carrying, you might consider providing a small bag with wheels much like carry-on bags used when flying. Also please have your child consider what books they will actually need to carry between school and home.
What if my child forgets their laptop or it is in the repair shop?
The school has loaner laptops in case a student forgets their device or needs to borrow one for a few days while their laptop is in the shop for repairs.
Parents are ultimately responsible for repairing their computer in a timely manner. Currently, a student will check out and check in loaner laptops daily with a maximum use of a loaner for 4 calendar days. Loaner computers must be checked in and out of the IT office daily. You can read more about our Loaner Laptop Guidelines under the Loaner Policy tab on this page.
How does the school support learning safe use of the Internet?
Teachers and our digital learning coaches have planned many lessons around the practical and safe use of a device. Also they have age appropriate lessons lessons on digital citizenship, which will include topics like cyber-bullying, Internet predators, and much more on how to stay safe while still enjoying the use of all Internet services. We provide parents several opportunities during the year to attend parent chats on the topics of online safety and organizing their child's digital life.
Can my child leave their laptop at school? Will it be secure?
Something happened to the laptop, can SFS help?
SFS has an IT office with trained technical support staff that can support all issues. If repairs are necessary the IT office can facilitate the process or provide help with out of warranty hardware through the computers’ qualified vendors (Apple laptops only).
If a student computer is broken, the school will provide “loaner” computers that can be used for the period of time that the computer is not useable. The school can help facilitate with repair options for those computers that are purchased through the school and its vendors, and advise, facilitate out of warranty repairs.
Parents are ultimately responsible for repairing their computer in a timely manner. Currently, a student will check out and check in loaner laptops daily with a maximum use of a loaner for 4 calendar days. Loaner computers must be checked in and out of the IT office daily. You can read our Loaner Laptop Guidelines here.
Does SFS provide any kind of theft or breakage insurance for student laptops?
SFS cannot provide insurance to parents for family-owned student computers. Many homeowners/rental policies do provide some level of insurance for theft and parents should check with their insurance carrier to verify coverage.
When purchasing your laptop we highly recommend that you purchase extended warranty support which includes coverage for accidental damage. In most cases such coverage must be purchased with the device or very shortly after purchase. Policy terms vary by country/region and if purchasing your device outside Korea you should ensure that the policy you buy includes coverage for warranty or repairs in Korea.
Laptop Requirements / Purchasing
Laptops are Required for ALL Students in Grades 6-12 and Years 7-9
Families of students in laptop-required grades must provide a family-owned device for student use every day at school. Families may purchase an Apple laptop from any authorized reseller locally/abroad, directly from the Apple’s online store, or from one of the local Apple store retail locations in Seoul. Laptops purchased in Korea will have a keyboard displaying both the English and Korean alphabet. If you want an English-only keyboard you must place a custom order via Apple's online store or our recommended reseller to specify an English-US layout for your keyboard selection.
Out Technology Office can assist families in Korea to order an Apple laptop via our preferred reseller. Please note that our office only takes your order and then processes the Apple product sales on your behalf through the authorized Education reseller; SFS is not a reseller of Apple devices. The reseller does not accept credit cards or wire transfer payments; only local Korean bank transfers or cash.
For your reference regarding minimum specifications, we can advise that SFS teachers use the base 13-inch MacBook Air models with 8-16GB RAM and 256GB SSD storage. Any new Apple silicone M series laptop (or Intel Core for Windows laptops *only HS students*) available on the market will meet all basic student needs at SFS. Higher spec models with more memory or processing power can also be purchased based on personal needs of the student. Chromebooks and tablets are not appropriate due to our required academic and printing software. The operating system must be in English and be able to access our SFS wireless network with 802.11ac or WiFi6 support. If you decide not to purchase a new laptop, you may provide a used laptop from home as long as it is not older than 3 years, meets the same specifications, and is of the appropriate platform for your section.
Below you will find the models and prices of the laptops (Prices and models are subject to change by Apple without notice).
After you review the models, prices and color, contact the IT office at 02-330-3125 or email to to confirm current prices and purchase details.
SFS-Assisted Purchase Apple Laptop Price list (in Korean Won)
The IT Office can help you order Apple devices through a third-party vendor.
Transactions must be processed in either cash or bank wire transfers in full when order is placed.
Parents will be notified when the order arrives at school and may be picked up by either the parent or student.
We strongly recommend using a third-party sleeve/cover of your choice with all student devices.
All MacBooks come with a one-year limited warranty from Apple. SFS itself does not offer warranty/insurance or perform repairs for any Apple devices. Apple Care+ extended warranty is available at a discount but please note that it must be purchased with the device order (see notes below the price chart).
AppleCare+ Protection Plan can extend your warranty up to 3 years. It covers hardware repair, up to two incidents, in the case of accidental damage. Please check out the Apple support page for detailed information and to verify current terms of coverage. According to the current terms of the Apple Korea support page, Apple Care+ must be purchased at the time of order with your new MacBook unless it is purchased directly from one of the two official Apple stores in Korea.
Laptop Setup Guide
Dear New Students:
We are providing a link below to the new student laptop setup instructions for your reference. You will receive your account information and be assisted through these steps on your Registration day. If you want to do any of the steps in advance, you are welcome to begin preparing your laptop before you arrive.
Support & Repairs
The IT Office provides technical support to both students and teachers. Students may bring in any 1:1 student owned laptop to the IT office and we will assist in installing the SFS cloud printing software and joining the network. If your device encounters any problems, please bring it to us for initial inspection and basic troubleshooting. If we feel your device needs disassembly or repairs then we will recommend service centers near your home or work location that can perform the work required.
Loaner Laptop Policy
Seoul Foreign School Loaner Laptop Policy
SFS Information Technology (IT) office maintains a pool of laptops designated as “loaner” machines. These laptops range from current year models to those that are a few years old. (Each year more laptops are added to the pool and the oldest are removed).
These loaner laptops are available to any SFS Middle Years and High School students for a period of up to five (5) days in a row, mainly to be used while their computer is being serviced. Our loaner fleet is provided for checkout on a daily basis to use while on campus. These devices are not meant to be checked out overnight or taken off-campus. This means that a computer may be checked out at 8:00AM and must be returned by 4:00PM that same day.
If all loaned equipment is not returned to IT/section’s office by the end of the school day, late fees will be assessed and collected by IT or the MS/HS office. If a loaner laptop is not returned to IT or the designated section within five (5) days or its due date, the student will be charged for the total replacement value of all equipment checked out in their name. In addition, the IT office reserves the right to bill a student and/or parents for any/all damages or borrowed accessory losses.
Late Return FIne: 10,000 won/day
Lost Charger Replacement Fee: 100,000 won including late Penalty
All loaner equipment (e.g. laptop, power adaptor, and carrying case) must be returned as complete package so as to avoid inventory mix-ups or misplacements. We cannot accept partial or incomplete returns of loaner equipment, as this leads to lost items as well as in inability to lend equipment to the next person.
Loan Process Notes:
- Students must show their SFS issued ID card at the office at the time of check-out.
- A permission slip signed by your principal or assistant principal is required in order to borrow a laptop without a student ID card (slips are provided at the MS and HS office).
- Loaner laptops are available only on a daily basis. They must be returned after school each day no later than 4:00PM.
- Loaner laptops not returned on time will be charged a late fee (10,000 won per day).
- Abuse of the late policy will result in laptop borrowing privileges being revoked at the discretion of the IT Director.
- DO NOT ALTER school related software and settings on the machine (system configurations, screensavers, etc.).
- Laptops cannot be reserved in advance. We loan on a first come, first served policy each day.
- SFS laptops may not be borrowed more than five (5) days in a row, or more than five times during the school year, unless previously approved by the IT Director. We may require proof that the student device is either at a service center being repaired, or a replacement laptop has been ordered/purchased and the student is awaiting delivery.
- It is the financial responsibility of the student/parents borrowing the laptop to replace lost, stolen, or damaged laptops and accessories. This includes any fees for late return.
- Students must log-out from all their accounts before returning the laptop to the office. IT office and sections are not responsible for any information exposed to other students because they have not completely signed out from all their accounts.
Responsible Use (RUA)
Parent Tech Information
Technology information resources specific to SFS parents and guardians is located in our Current Families portal. If you are current parent or guardian, please follow the link below to access this page in the portal.
Technology Info For SFS Parents (Login Required)
Also, a variety of public resources have also been curated by our Digital Learning Coaching staff and is housed on our Parent and Caregiver Resource page of the SFS Digital Learning Parent Hub.
Contact Us
For questions or technical support you can reach us via:
Phone: +82 (0)2 330-3125
or send us an Email