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We offer two complementary educational paths: the International Baccalaureate Continuum of Programmes and the English National Curriculum. Learn more about the option that may be appropriate for your child below.

Ages 2-5

Ages 5-11

Ages 11-14

Ages 14+

Program Overview

Along with individual planning and responsive services, High School Counselors provide a comprehensive guidance curriculum through Counseling Seminar for all high school students. College and career planning follows a developmental sequence beginning in Grade 9 with a reflection on interests and talents, exploration and investigation of options, and leading to well-informed decision making when selecting courses for the IB Diploma Programme in Grade 10. College and career planning continues with intentional research throughout Grade 11 and culminates in Grade 12 with the completion of university applications and decisions.

Counseling Timeline

Please refer to this High School Counseling Timeline PDF for more detailed description of the overall timeline of our counseling program.