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We offer two complementary educational paths: the International Baccalaureate Continuum of Programmes and the English National Curriculum. Learn more about the option that may be appropriate for your child below.

Ages 2-5

Ages 5-11

Ages 11-14

Ages 14+

PYP Exhibition

The exhibition is the culminating, collaborative experience in the final year of the IB Primary Years Programme here at SFS.

The PYP Exhibition is an opportunity for every Grade five student to research and problem solve in collaboration with peers, teachers, mentors and the wider community, drawing upon and extending their skills, knowledge, strengths, passions and interests in order to make a positive difference to others. It is a culminating experience of the PYP, enabling students to exhibit attributes of the IB learner profile, and our Christlike attitudes whilst applying the essential elements to a rigorous inquiry project.

View our PYPx minisite to view past exhibitions at SFES.