Leadership and Governance
Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
Board of Governors
The SFS Board of Governors is responsible for the strategic development of the school.
2024-2025 SFS Board of Governors
Dr. Hyungji Park (Chair)
Mr. Moses Choi (Vice Chair)
Mr. Colm Flanagan (Ex-officio)
Mr. Andrew Chung
Mr. Kevin Chung
Ms. Natalia Federighi
Ms. Ann Fuell
Mr. Joon Hyon
Mr. Seong Soo Kim
Mr. James No
Mr. Richard Song
The SFS Board:
- Reviews and upholds the mission
- Sets the vision
- Formulates policy
- Provides fiscal oversight
- Develops/maintains strategic plans
- Hires and oversees the Head of School
- Collaborates with administration to ensure continuous improvement
Governors are elected to a serve three year term. Individuals may be elected to serve a second term. No individuals can serve on the SFS Board for more than six consecutive years. The Board is composed 13 members. The majority of those are SFS parents.
Full board meetings take place five times during the school year.
For further information, please contact sfs.board@seoulforeign.org
Seoul Foreign School Guiding Statements
The Foundation is the Juridical Person, the legal entity responsible for the School under Korean law. The purpose of the Foundation is to maintain and operate Seoul Foreign School established under the Protestant Christian philosophy and to raise, hold and manage funds and real estate directly needed to carry out this purpose.
2024-2025 SFS Foundation
Mr. Matthew Wasmund (Chair
Mr. Colm Flanagan (Head of School)
Mr. Eric Choi
Mr. Michael Distasio
Mr. Carl Hanson
Mr. David Hwang
Mr. Dave Kim
Mr. Brian McMurray
Mr. Peter Underwood
For further information, please contact sfs.foundation@seoulforeign.org